
  • Carlos Iza Terán Miembro Correspondiente Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador


central bank, plutocracy, cacao, Hacienda, transmitter, private banking


The economic structure in the colonial stage in the Audiencia of Quito, was sustained in good part, by the manufacture of Quito rebozo cloths, as well as by the cocoa production that at the beginning of the colony was meager, which little by little, it was becoming, in one of the fundamental axes of the colonial economic model, whose main characteristic was its obvious identity of uncertainty; the application of the Bourbon Reforms, which took place in the 18th century, disrupts Quito’s markets, with the consequent economic problems that arose mainly due to the shortage of money and aggravated by the distance of the Audience of Quito, with respect to the Houses of Amenderation of the Viceroyalty nearby, that is Lima and Santa Fe. In that scenario, the concept of ownership and usufruct of the land becomes relevant, giving rise to the “farm” “farm” and “farm” etc, around which, an important employment relationship and therefore the generation of wealth.

On the coast of Ecuador, from the 19th century, on the basis of cocoa production, the economic model that is implemented is the “agro exporter” based on the liberal ideological principles of free trade, giving rise to the sectorization of society of Ecuador, marked by the productive processes, the centralized coastal zone in the port of Guayaquil and its outskirts circumscribed by the Guayas River and its tributaries with capitalist tendency and the Sierra area, with marked feudal features, food supplier and even hand of work.

The independence processes that emerged in Hispanic America from the first years of the 19th century, resulted in the creation of nation states, which, in the majority, their economic model was structured in the “agro-exporter” and even in the “ agribusiness ”, is that an emblematic product, or a productive scheme, will identify each country, and it is around that productive process, that financial institutions arise which will be the base or origin of a particular bank, which will have the power of issuing monetary species in both metallic and paper, is the origin of the ticket, whose iconography and symbology, will be consistent with the plastic models based on Neoclassicism, very much in vogue in the nineteenth century in the western world, but which by effect of the First World War and the economic crisis, these institutions created to the excess of the productive process, will disappear due to their historical inorganic emissions, giving way to the creation of central banks or national banks.


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Author Biography

Carlos Iza Terán, Miembro Correspondiente Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador

Docente, Consultor en temas Museísticos, Históricos y empresariales. Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador. Miembro Honorífico Punto de Encuentro Numismático de Guatemala. Miembro Directorio Grupo Numismática y Notafilia de Bogotá Colombia. Miembro de la Asociación Numismática de Centro América San José Costa Rica. Miembro Correspondiente Instituto de Investigaciones Históricas y Numismáticas del Perú. Miembro Asociación Numismática Española ANE. Responsable del Comité Editorial “Revista Numismática Brasileira”. Autor de varias publicaciones en temática Numismática, Filatelia, Escripofilia, y Notafilia Expositor nacional e internacional en temática Historia Numismática desde la etapa virreinal a la república. Fue Director y creador del Museo Numismático del Banco Central del Ecuador. En 2008 participó en el proyecto Ibermuseos en el Museo Arqueológico de Madrid, donde desarrolló la puesta en red del patrimonio numismático del MAN en la producción de monedas metropolitanas y de las provincias de ultramar correspondiente a los reyes Carlos IV a Isabel II. Actualmente, es el Curador del Museo Manuela Sáenz.



How to Cite

Iza Terán, C. (2021). EL MODELO ECONÓMICO AGROEXPORTADOR, EL ORIGEN DE LA PRODUCCIÓN AGROEXPORTADORA COLONIAL A LA BANCA PARTICULAR REPUBLICANA. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 98(204), 11–38. Retrieved from https://academiahistoria.org.ec/index.php/boletinesANHE/article/view/134