
  • Rocío Rosero Jácome Academia Nacional de Historia


Conservatism, confessional education, mentality, Juan León Mera, female education, garcianismo


This essay intends to show the mentality of the Ecuadorian nineteenth-century society from the writings of Juan León Mera. He presents the moral forms of family behaviour and education. He focuses on everyday life imbricated by religion in social life, politics and economic development of Ecuador as a State under the influence of President Gabriel García Moreno (1859-1875), an ideological influence that lasted for several subsequent decades.

Much has been written about the Garcia period, however, very little has been done about the mentality of the female educational approach. Hence, the bibliography on this subject is scant; therefore, this text will try to answer the concerns: How was the education given to Ecuadorian women in the last third of the nineteenth century? And, what did the confessional State expect of women? To answer these questions, the objective has been set to review two literary writings by Juan León Mera: La Escuela Doméstica, which compiles press writings, published in the weekly newspaper El Fénix; also in the book, Critical Historical Look at Ecuadorian Poetry, which is a compilation of comments on the country’s literary production; These writings were published between 1880 and 1893.

The essay will be review as background of the ideologies in transcontinental conflict in the nineteenth century, liberalism and conservatism, and their influence on Ecuador. The influence of this last trend and its religious support will be dealt with in the development of the essay. The following subtopics will also be reviewed: Juan León Mera in the conservative Nation-State project; The Domestic School and everyday life; then, A critical historical look and the dichotomies in the education of women; Social responsibility and guilt on female shoulders. This work will finish presenting some conclusions.


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Author Biography

Rocío Rosero Jácome, Academia Nacional de Historia

Doctora en Historia y Licenciada Ciencias de la Educación, por la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, PUCE; Magister en Docencia para Instituciones de Educación Superior, por la Escuela Politécnica Nacional del Ecuador, EPN; Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Historia, Miembro de la Red de Historiadores Europeos Latinoamericanistas, AHILA, Miembro del Grupo: Trabajo Intelectual, Pensamiento y Modernidad en América Latina, TIPMAL, Miembro de la Asociación Internacional de Estudios Interamericanos IAS, Miembro Correspondiente Extranjero de la Academia Nariñense de Historia y Miembro Correspondiente Extranjero de la Academia Dominicana de Historia. Docente de la Universidad Internacional del Ecuador, Escuela de la Relaciones Internacionales, Directora de Investigación Fundación JANUS, Editora, Jefa de Publicaciones de Academia Nacional de Historia.



How to Cite

Rosero Jácome, R. (2022). JUAN LEÓN MERA EN LA EDUCACIÓN ECUATORIANA DEL SIGLO XIX. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 100(207), 313–343. Retrieved from https://academiahistoria.org.ec/index.php/boletinesANHE/article/view/260