
  • Enrique Noboa Flores Miembro Correspondiente Academia Nacional de Historia


Cesarean section history, medical and ethical implications of cesarean section



Since the first publications on caesarean section, it has become as a useful procedure to save the newborn’s life, being a real alternative to craniotomy and forceps. Its improvement needed the development of practical solutions to three major dilemmas, such as pain, infection and hemorrhage, through the use of anesthesia, antisepsis and better surgical techniques, especially during the second half of the 19th century, when the cesarean section became a real alternative to craniotomy for cases of absolute and relative pelvic disproportion, as well as by the appearance of new indications such as pelvic contractures, tumors, scars and inflammatory deposits. The improvement of surgical techniques is due to three great physicians: Edoardo Porro, Max Sänger and Ferdinand Kehrer, whose contributions are widely recognized as key points for the development of the modern cesarean operation. In Ecuador, Dr. Isidro Ayora Cueva should be mentioned as the surgeon of the first cesarean section with a transverse incision in the lower uterine segment carried out in our country in 1932. The reduction of maternal mortality by the use of cesarean section has been accompanied by an increase in its incidence, in some cases by not very clear medical or obstetrical indications or by non-medical reasons, which highlights the need to have practical guidelines for its implementation, as well as consideration of the ethical aspects involved, in order to fulfill with its rational and justified use.


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Author Biography

Enrique Noboa Flores, Miembro Correspondiente Academia Nacional de Historia

Miembro Correspondiente, Academia Nacional de Historia. Miembro Correspondiente, Academia Ecuatoriana de Medicina. Médico Especialista en Ginecología y Obstetricia, Universidad Central del Ecuador. Médico Asociado, Hospital Metropolitano de Quito. Profesor de Farmacología, Escuela de Medicina, Universidad San Francisco de Quito. Miembro activo de Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Ginecología y Obstetricia, Sociedad Ecuatoriana de Farmacología, Sociedad Norteamericana de Menopausia, Sociedad Europea de Menopausia y Andropausia, Sociedad para el Estudio y Progreso de la Anticoncepción, entre otras. Actualmente ha enfocado su labor investigativa en el campo de la anticoncepción y los derechos sexuales y reproductivos, endocrinología ginecológica e historia de la medicina y de la ginecología y obstetricia ecuatorianas.



How to Cite

Noboa Flores, E. (2023). EVOLUCIÓN HISTÓRICA DE LA CESÁREA: IMPLICACIONES MÉDICAS Y ÉTICAS. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 100(208-A), 115–153. Retrieved from https://academiahistoria.org.ec/index.php/boletinesANHE/article/view/299