
  • Libertad Regalado Miembro Numerario de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador


cacical system, cacica, , power and feminine lineage, female autonomy, gender relations


The position of women as cacicas or leaders was not common in all pre-Columbian peoples; their roles, rights and responsibilities could vary according to the region and the time in which they lived. This research aims to determine that women in the pre-Columbian cacical system and in the first century of the colony on the Ecuadorian coast not only exercised power like men; but, in addition, as a leader she had the ability to impose her will on external power. To respond to this hypothesis, we proceeded to the observation of archaeological objects from the different pre-Columbian periods established in Ecuador; the review of unpublished documents from historical archives, of investigations, scientific articles and books published by historians and researchers. From the analysis of the iconographic elements, it was possible to appreciate symbols of power and hierarchy in pre-hispanic female representations; of the documentary review, deduce the importance of the feminine element in the organization and public management; the resistance strategies; negotiation that they used to adapt to the new demands of the Spanish crown and to be able to maintain their status as cacicas demand rights throught: succession and female autonomy, duality as an atribute of authority, widowhood as a way to achieve their autonomy and the recognition of the privileges of being part of the cacical families.


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Author Biography

Libertad Regalado, Miembro Numerario de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador

Miembro Numerario de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador, pedagoga, escritora, investigadora. Tiene diplomados en Lengua y Literatura. Es Magíster en Administración de Empresas y Doctora en Ciencias Pedagógicas. Ha escrito libros, artículos científicos y trabajos relacionados con historia, manifestaciones culturales inmateriales de los pueblos de la costa ecuatoriana. Ha sido docente en la Escuela Superior Politécnica Agropecuaria de Manabí, Coordinadora de la gestión académica de la Universidad Laica Eloy Alfaro de Manabí, ha trabajado en varias consultorías y participado en congresos nacionales e internacionales. En el 2020, la Asamblea Nacional del Ecuador le otorgó la condecoración: Dra. Matilde Hidalgo de Prócel.



How to Cite

Regalado, L. . (2023). LA MUJER EN EL SISTEMA CACICAL EN LA COSTA PACÍFICA DEL ECUADOR. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 101(209), 247–278. Retrieved from