
  • Pascual Ramiro Yépez Morocho Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Los Andes de Estudios Sociales


Puruhuá nation, oral memory, ancient tradition, intangible heritage, cultural potentia, symbolic


This investigative work aims to bring to mind the impor - tance of the Celebration of Blossoming, its ancestral practices such as sharing and teaching because its purpose is not to abandon, but to strengthen our cosmovery of brotherhood and fraternity of life. It is the time to democratize the knowledge of thinking, being, doing and being indigenous. This worldview, in times past, was relegated; however, in these last 50 years it has been strengthening, not only in the Puruhua culture, but in all the cultures of Abya Yala they have been interested in returning to the origin of life.

For peoples and nationalities celebrations such as: the celebration of fertility in September, the celebration of the harvest in June, the celebration of the rebirth of the sun in December and the celebration of flowering in March, are in harmony with the four elements of life: earth, fire, air and water

In this context, it is going to reflect on the peculiarity of the information of the peoples and communities of the Puruhá nation, their ways of celebrating, but above all the spirit of the Solemnity of the Pawkar as educational material, for teaching in education current. The spiritual, cultural, political, economic, and educational wealth will be detailed from the principles of: solidarity, unity, complementarity, reciprocity and social integration.


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Author Biography

Pascual Ramiro Yépez Morocho, Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Los Andes de Estudios Sociales

Pertenece a la cultura Puruhá-Quichua, comunidad Bayubug, muy cerca de un lugar de altísimo valor energético, la montaña sagrada Chimborazo. Experto en Cosmovisión AndinaAmazónica; investigador sobre la intraculturalidad, interculturalidad, plurinacionalidad y trasculturalidad; emprendedor, cultivador y promotor cultural, patrimonial y espiritual, con 23 años de experiencia. Miembro del Comité Científico de Chakiñan, Revista de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo; Miembro de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador; Miembro de promotor de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo de Pichincha. Docente en el Instituto de Saberes Ancestrales y Nueva Conciencia “Jatun Yachay Wasi”; Docente del Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Los Andes de Estudios Sociales”; Analista en temas Culturales, Patrimoniales y Turísticos del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Movilidad Humana, conferencista internacional. Posee una Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con mención en Antropología en la Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales-Ecuador.



How to Cite

Yépez Morocho, P. R. (2021). CELEBRACIÓN DEL FLORECIMIENTO EN LA NACIÓN PURUHÁ: ORIGEN Y EVOLUCIÓN EN EL ROL EDUCATIVO. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 98(204), 85–106. Retrieved from https://academiahistoria.org.ec/index.php/boletinesANHE/article/view/136