
  • Paco Moncayo Gallegos Correspondiente Academia Nacional Historia


Juliana revolution, armed conflicts, Rio de Janeiro Protocol, Paquisha, Tiwintza, internal conflicto, security and defense


Throughout a century, the National Academy of History has contributed with patriotic care to the intellectual and cultural development of Ecuador, to the strengthening of the national identity and to the understanding of the deep reasons for its complex reality. This work attempts, in brief synthesis, to analyze the events related to security and defense that have had an important impact on the lives of Ecuadorians in the last hundred years. It includes military participation in transcendent events of internal order, such as the Julian Revolution, military governments, and public policies applied in these areas of state management; while, in the international field, it focuses on the study of the territorial conflict with Peru, until its culmination with the signing of a dignified and, surely, lasting peace. This article is developed through the following main sections: 1) Introduction. 2) The restless twenties. 3) The infamous Decade. 4) By the slope of the sacrifice. 5) The Cold War and military dictatorships. 6) Border conflicts with Peru. 7) The crisis of the end of the century. 8) The government of Lucio Gutiérrez. 9) Rise and crisis of socialism in the XXI century. 10) The government of Lenin Moreno.


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Author Biography

Paco Moncayo Gallegos, Correspondiente Academia Nacional Historia

Licenciado y doctor en Ciencias Internacionales por el Instituto de Posgrado de la Universidad Central del Ecuador, docente en Historia del Derecho Territorial Ecuatoriano y Geopolítica, de ese Instituto; de Geopolítica, Seguridad y Defensa y Estrategia de la Universidad de las FF.AA.; miembro de la Academia Nacional de Historia y de la Academia de Historia Militar. Fue jefe del Comando Conjunto de las Fuerzas Armadas, diputado nacional, parlamentario latinoamericano y alcalde del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito; autor de, entre otros libros: Fuerzas Armadas y sociedad, Cenepa, Poder y seguridad, Poder y conflicto, Espacio y poder y, Seguridad y defensa en la historia ecuatoriana.



How to Cite

Moncayo Gallegos, P. (2021). ECUADOR: 100 AÑOS DE SEGURIDAD Y DEFENSA. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 99(205), 13–80. Retrieved from