
  • Bayardo Ulloa Enríquez Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador.


War, Ambi, , San José, conservatives, liberals


The liberal government of Dr. Gonzalo S. Córdova, just established on September 1, 1924, had to suffer, on the 12th of that same month, an armed action, which confronted the Ecuadorian Army with the Army of Restoration of the North (Conservative Party) , led by Don Jacinto Jijón y Caamaño and made up of soldiers recruited from the towns of the Imbabura and Carchi provinces, with a strong contingent of mercenaries from the neighboring Republic of Colombia.

This action of arms took place in the vicinity of the San José farm, in the current canton of Urcuquí, in the Province of Imbabura. The unfortunate balance of one hundred and five soldiers died in the conservative forces, many wounded and an infinity of prisoners and the same number of fugitives. On the other hand, on the part of the Ecuadorian Army, only two soldiers died in combat, 11 seriously injured.

This shows the difference, capital, of the confrontation and the inexperience, disorganization, and even the betrayal of some official of the conservative hosts, allowed him to achieve a resounding victory and the consolidation of the liberal government, in times when these two political forces had in permanent anxiety to the country due to the power struggle.


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Author Biography

Bayardo Ulloa Enríquez, Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Historia del Ecuador.

Máster en Historia de América Latina, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España, 2011. Profesor Universitario, entre 1981 – 2014, en la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo. Miembro de la Casa de la Cultura Ecuatoriana, Núcleo de Chimborazo desde 1982. Miembro de la Corporación Sociedad Amigos de la Genealogía del Ecuador, 2012. Miembro de Número de la Academia Nacional de Historia, 2014. Socio Correspondiente Extranjero de la Academia Nariñense de Historia, 2016. Ha publicado varios libros y artículos de Historia. También ha escrito novela y cuento.



How to Cite

Ulloa Enríquez, B. (2021). LA GUERRA DEL AMBI–SAN JOSÉ. Boletín Academia Nacional De Historia, 99(205), 81–112. Retrieved from